Dota Wiki

As promised, Valve created the Arcana item for Phantom Assassin. It was done from the voting of compendium owners of TI4. It can be purchased from Steam store and can also be purchased from steam market. Till December 7th, it is on sale i.e. 20% off from the original price. £20.00 for the original, £16.50 On sale (currently).

Foreseer Contract is the event created from the release of Arcana item. Oracle hero is added along with this event. Before searching any game, make sure you know all the rules mentioned on the dota2 main page. To be able to activate the event, one must have PA arcana and the enemy side has to be one of the heroes on the contract of Oracle. The heroes are mentioned below:

Axe, Viper, Invoker, Pudge, Juggernught, Sniper, Phantom Lancer, Riki, Shadow Fiend, Bloodseeker, Faceless void, Necrophos, Wraith King, Bounty Hunter, Skywrath Mage, Slark, Huskar, Spirit Breaker, Ogre Magi, Zeus

  • One player in your unranked matchmaking game must own the Manifold Paradox Arcana set for Phantom Assassin. This normally costs $35, but is on sale now for $28. This person can be on either team
  • One team must select Phantom Assassin as one of its heroes
  • The other team must select an eligible target hero. Every day, Oracle will release a list of nemeses who must be killed. If every target hero is killed enough times by the Dota community, the event will reset with even more difficult contracts
  • If you are Phantom Assassin, you must kill your target before the target kills you. If you are the target, you must kill Phantom Assassin before she kills you
  • After earning the kill as either assassin or the contract, you must then win the whole game to earn a trophy

Even if you aren't the assassin or the target hero, you can still earn rewards simply by participating in the match normally. If your team wins the whole game after completing the contract, you'll receive a trophy. Plus, there's a chance you can also earn a cluster-drop of in-game items. 
